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Social Security Releases 2024 Cost of Living Adjustment
The Social Security Administration has provided cost-of-living adjustments, or COLAs, annually since 1975. These annual adjustments are intended to help recipient’s dependent on their Social Security benefits by increasing benefits inline with inflation. COLAs have ranged from 0.0% for benefits received in 2010, 2011, and 2016 to 14.3% for benefits received in 1981.
IRS Officially Announces New Income Tax Brackets for 2023
The opportunity to minimize expected lifetime income taxes is often overlooked by retirees who tend to focus more on maximizing total retirement income instead of net retirement income. We often find that income taxes become the largest expense for many retirees and there are many often overlooked tax planning opportunities available in the pursuit of reducing expected lifetime income taxes for retirees.
How Income Taxes Change In Retirement
When you start to plan for retirement there tends to be a focus on spending patterns, total income, and getting started on that bucket list. But there are also significant changes that come with retiring associated with your federal income taxes. This article will walk you through how your income taxes will likely change after retirement and provide some tips on how to avoid a surprise tax bill when you first file your federal tax return in retirement.