How Completing the Saddle Sore 1000 Changed My Life

The Saddle Sore 1000 is seemingly simple, not very expensive, something I would really enjoy doing, and literally can be can be completed in a single day.  Why have I been putting this off to “someday”? I never imagined how crossing this off the list would change my mindset.
IBA Saddle Sore 1000 Brian Bickett

I have been aware of the Iron Butt Association (IBA) for a couple of decades now. I always watch with wonder and amazement the many stories of how motorcycle riders could accomplish such seemingly insane rides. 

Completing one of the certified rides to become a member has been on my bucket list for a long time. As I recently took mental inventory of my list, it bothered me how long this idea has hung out there. 

It is a seemingly simple item. Not very expensive. Something I would really enjoy doing and literally can be can be completed in a single day.  Why have I been putting this off to “someday”? 

So, I picked a day and put it on the calendar.  This single step mentally flipped a switch for me. It was no longer “someday”, there it was on the calendar – that is the day I am doing my first Saddle Sore 1000.

Time to Prepare

Now that it was on the calendar, I had a deadline to meet and prepare for.  I decided to tackle the IBA’s shortest certified ride: the Saddle Sore 1000. This requires riding 1000 miles in 24 hours.

I soon began researching and asking questions of others who had already completed the ride.  Many years ago, I had covered that distance in that amount of time. It was the only time I’ve ever nodded off while on a motorcycle. Not something I would call a success nor something I want to repeat.

The helpfulness of the IBA members is overwhelming. In large part due to their encouragement, tips and recommendations, I was both excited and confident as the date drew near.

The Ride

That morning, I left Rapid City, SD at 4:00 am and by noon found myself in Bozeman, MT.  I stopped at the XY Planning Network headquarters in downtown Bozeman for a brief 20-minute tour.

I then jumped on the bike to make my way home.  I safely arrived back home at 8:15 pm with some time to spare. I used the posted speed limit as a general guideline and kept my average fuel stop to around 12 minutes. 

It truly was an adventure, and I will gladly share more details of the trip with anyone interested.

map of a Saddle Sore 1000 ride

Here is a map of my Saddle Sore 1000 ride from Rapid City to Bozeman and back.

Unexpected After-Effects

With the trip behind me, there was this amazing feeling of accomplishment. Not only with completing the ride and crossing it off my bucket list, but it also reinforced within me that I was living my life – no one else’s. 

No one ever once in my life suggested I should complete a Saddle Sore 1000. It was something I decided I wanted to do on my own and then figured out how to safely do it.  I honestly feel more confident in my life in general. I was reminded that I have the ability to make my life whatever I want it to look like.  I remembered that tomorrow is promised to no one. There are several items on my “someday” list that I’m going to stop putting off until someday. I am going to live my life now.

Your “Someday” List

Are you like me and have dreams on your “someday” list that you don’t want to put off any longer?  Are there things that you would like to do or have that you are putting off for 5 or 10 years into the future or until retirement? 

One of the ways I help clients thru the financial planning process is to identify dreams. Sometimes they can be turned into reality sooner than expected. 

Why wait for your dream if we can figure out a way to bring it forward.  Yes, I also provide fee-only advice on investments, insurance, taxes, college funding, debt management, retirement planning and estate planning. But helping clients live THEIR life is what makes my motor rev.


Brian Bickett, CFP at Iron Mountain Financial Planning, LLC

Brian Bickett, CFP®

Brian Bickett is a fee-based CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional located in Rapid City, SD and serving clients across the country. His financial advisor approach provides him deep understanding of your retirement goals and allows him to connect your money to your life in a way that feels right to you.

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